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"What is the International Iconic House of Pose Empire, Incorporated??

The Grand International Iconic House of Pose Inc was founded on January 15, 2017. The organization was founded by two individuals for the sole purpose of bringing LGBTQA+ and humankind together under a name that is powerful. Our members are doctors, managers, and leaders in their communities, we use this in our everyday mission to be the best for our local and national communities. We structed out our new organization for the world to understand and see our mission in actions. We continue to push excellence and family with our members and the world. Together we can overcome challenges and we stand as ONE and PROUD!


At The Grand International Iconic House of Pose Inc., we take pride in being problem solvers who are not afraid to take risks. We believe that with boldness, creativity and heart, there is nothing we can’t accomplish. But above all, our strength lies in teamwork. Each and every one of us has the capability to contribute no matter their experience or background. With this strength behind us, just imagine what we can achieve together.


We as a organization look to bring communities together thru social gatherings and events that allows anyone to come as they are and be apart of a family that supports, loves, encourages and inspires each other everyday to be their BEST selves!




Empowering Others

Problem Solvers

Community Service 

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